5 Ways to Stay in Touch with Your Customers

It’s easy to feel isolated at the moment. Working from home, not being able to socialise as we might crave to do and maybe even stuck in a rut with the same old work pattern day after day. This is even more of a reason to go further when it comes to connecting with your clients and customers. Think about how you feel when somebody takes the time to contact you with an offer of help or maybe even a friendly hello. For customers and clients this can make a big difference and perhaps even make them think of you next time they’re planning a new big project.

With this in mind, here are 5 easy ways to stay in touch with your customers:

  1. Show them some client love by offering to profile them in a blog post, podcast episode, newsletter piece or social media post. - in doing so you both get a bit of content marketing positive pr and they get that warm feeling of being in touch with you.

  2. Think about what you can give them - tangible or intangible - perhaps you could send them a free gift, a discount or a promise for something in the future. Make a list and a plan and then act on it. you’ll be amazed at the positive response you get back and it sets a good feeling for the future.

  3. Leave a comment on a customer or client’s social media or blog.

  4. Have you ever had an experience when somebody remembers what is happening in your life? How did that make you feel? Good right? Make sure you take time to remember what is happening in people’s lives and check in with them now and then, asking them questions about how so and so is doing.

  5. Write them a ‘recommendation’ on LinkedIn. This can help them a lot with their own future prospecting.

And if you’re feeling isolated just reach out to me! Always a keen listener.

Ben EagleComment