‘Down to Earth’

A film project commissioned by Agricology, funded by the Rothschild Foundation and produced in partnership with Down to Earth Media about the Waddesdon Estate’s regenerative farming journey in Buckinghamshire and Cambridgeshire. Films to be released on the Agricology website in 2024.

Biodynamic Farming Centenary Podcast.

Producing two podcasts to celebrate the centenary of the biodynamic movement in the UK. To be released on Meet the Farmers Podcast.



‘Inspire, Move and Illuminate’: Investigating Spirit of Place at the National Trust’s Holnicote Estate in Somerset

From May-October 2016 Ben worked with Bristol University and the National Trust on an exciting multi-stakeholder project at the Holnicote Estate on the edge of Exmoor National Park in Somerset. ‘Spirit of place’ refers to the distinctive value of a particular place and our emotional connections to it. The research aimed to discover the special, unique and cherished qualities of Holnicote as well as to understand the pressures that the estate is under moving forward and how the people who live and work there manage to ‘live well with uncertainty’. Through archival research, interviews with National Trust staff and visitors, field walks and surveys, we worked to uncover the spirit of place at Holnicote. The wider objective was to bring the partners together to open the door for future collaborations and to enhance the formal ‘spirit of place’ programme underway at the estate.

To read the final project report click here.


Bringing Young Farmers and Young Conservationists together.

Working with the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, A Focus on Nature and GWCT’s The Allerton Project I organised an event to stimulate debate and connections between young farmers and young conservationists.